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Counter Stikre Source TOOX The Movie 3

Counter Stikre Source TOOX The Movie 3

из альбома мувики css, автор Сенч

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For starters the contact information should be at the end of the movie, not at the very start. I liked the incorporation of comments from players and figure heads however I had to keep pausing the film to actually read them. This being said we move on to the actual video.

Several of the tracks featured in this film have been used in previous films, but overall the back to back adrenaline fueled tracks made for a toe tapping action packed array of frags. I enjoyed the use of LAN and event footage used, as well as the video footage from events past.

TOOX is clearly a great player with an impressive track record of both teams and achievements, but is he a great video producer? Well what I saw was a nice collection of scenes tied together with an array of transitions and editing techniques. The color settings and filters at times seemed like a bit much, however did a good job of keep me awake during the close to 14 minute long film.

You won't see a whole lot of new ideas introduced here, which is fine because the content does a great job carrying the film. This is a great compilation of single player frags vs some of the best player and honestly it was a pleasure to watch.

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