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Counter Stikre Source Movie Restricted III

Counter Stikre Source Movie Restricted III

из альбома мувики css, автор Сенч

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When I think of this video, I think two words which I've only used together on a few rare occasions while reviewing films... "epic masterpiece". Epic by nature due to the sheer size of this production, weighing in at just over thirteen minutes and never once a dull moment.

The frags are ridiculous, round for round another unbelievable compilation. Some would argue that the content is either cheated or faked, but after going over the extended footage of this film I feel confident that BiBa did everything within his power to ensure both hard hitting, and legitimate content from players all around the world.

With a video being this long, its hard to actually maintain the viewers attention. With the use of an alternating well synced soundtrack, unique transitions and some very creative editing tricks this video not only kept me on the edge of my seat, but left me wanting more. That is quite an accomplishment given the number of films I have watched over the years.

A perfect end to an evolving trilogy where each film was better than the last in both quality and content. If you sit down long enough to see how much time and effort was put into this film, it would be hard to rate it any lower than what I have. Great work, great film and a pleasure to review.

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