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Counter Stikre Source movie Killing Entertainment

Counter Stikre Source movie Killing Entertainment

из альбома мувики css, автор Сенч

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This was in my top 3 for the competition and it contained one of my favorite fragparts of all time. I thought the fragpart song was so fun to listen to and the editing style was perfect for it. I can't say I cared much for the intro, as while the effects were well executed, it seemed much to random and didn't fit with he rest of the movie. But that and the other 3D parts were an important landmark in Source 3D. I loved the colors, the little effects, and the credits were so fun to watch, which is a challenge for any movie. So yes, if there's one word to describe this movie it's "fun." I watched this many many times over and over because it's just so enjoying to watch.

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