Мини-пародия на музыкальную комедию-короткометражку «Музыкальный блог Доктора Ужасного»
Комментарий автора: So, after a year of not having a (truly) competitive AMV, I'm back with this. I'm damn happy with it. I've always wanted to do rotoscoping, but I was too nervous of the time commitment. When I picked up this AMV and started rotoscoping for the first time, though, I found it went shockingly fast. I'm quite proud of how the lip syncing has gone as well. With any luck, I can pick up a few awards for this one - assuming people learn about Stein's;Gate fast enough for it to become relevant.
Hope you enjoy.
Аниме: Steins;Gate
Музыка: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - Freeze Ray
Автор: Miracle_Falcon (клип создан: 27.08.2012)