Upcoming Artists from New Jersey & New York. Vic Shadez & Soulution - SLAVE | OFFICIAL MUSIC.
Hip Hop is alive and well, as its heart beats stronger everyday. Thanks to artists such as VIC SHADEZ and SOULUTION, who along with GO-ILLA are the life blood of this thing we call hiphop.
The under current, the subconscious energy that is the driving force.
Running parallel behind the conciousness, of the everyday mainstream assembly line of today's music.
After the underground success of VIC SHADEZ hard hitting UNCONTAMINATED and CON-SCIENCE'S (soulution*sosick )10,000 HOURS.
SHADEZ and SOULUTION creep from the shadows to bring you ZENITH.
A revolutionary sound, that's sure to shake the foundation of the boombapp construct ... buckle up!!