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Booze & Glory - Only Fools Get Caught

Booze & Glory - Only Fools Get Caught

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I heard he's doing alright now hard time inside tho

but he's learnt his lesson now

But I'll believe it when I see it coz I know it ain't that easy

just to turn your back on it all

If all you ever knew from the day that you were born

was to cheat, lie, fight and steal

Well, you're never gonna break it if you can't earn it take it

Well, life don't work that way

Coz some people never change

Some people fade away

Some people break the rules

But only fools get caught

He was never gonna go clean ,dragged up in the East End

what kinda start in life is that?

He never did do well at school ,in and out of borstal

but he learnt what he had to know

Coz if all you ever do from the day that you leave school

is work hard and live and honest life

Well you'll never get no thanks coz we're all on the blag

and life just works that way

He's sitting at the bar now with some Spanish tart

soaking up the sun in Marbella

Coz he done a Ronny Biggs and he fucked off out of here

and he ain't never coming back again

So if all you ever do is follow the rules

your never gonna get nowhere

So do as you please and take what you need

and make life work your way!

Метки / теги:Музыка  booze  glory  only  fools  get  caught  punk  rock  
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